During the infancy of our Group it was relatively easy with just a handful of Members to keep everyone up to fate with what was going on by word of mouth. However as membership grew it became obvious that we would have to do something better and we thought about producing a single page Newsletter on a regular basis, but large numbers of new Members joining and an ever increasing range of activities and events soon meant that a larger publication would be needed to keep everyone up to date.
“The Magazine” was born. Today this is normally around 32 or 36 pages and due to an excellent job by our Editor, helped by articles submitted by Members, it contains a regular update on the Group’s activities, reports of previous events, fun pages for the kids, competitions, a diary section and much more. We are proud of our Magazine as we know it is regularly read cover to cover by many of our Members, and others, with great interest.
For more information about the FHCSG Magazine please contact Tim Mills – 0117 975 3551